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"hamburger eyes" + discourse

This is what I mean by "the photo magazine San Francisco deserves":

remember when we did that show last month at hope gallery and we made a split totebag with them? we had one side and they had one side? well shit, we just got a box of them and now you can buy them, fuuuucckkkiiiin siiiiiiiiiiicckkkkkkkk.. the WORMHOLES online shopping adventure has been re-designed for ultimate deep space pleasure, so dont be a kook, credit cards to da max! [link]

I have more to say about Hamburger Eyes, and it will be kinder. I don't think they'd have a bone to pick with this, though—an unpretentious attitude towards photography seems to be essential to the production of their work. If that means doing away with serious discourse then so be it; that's a much more honest stance to take than publishing pretentious nonsense.

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